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AI Powered Media Intelligence

Deeper & Actionable Insights With AlphaMetricx AI

Track, contextualize, and analyze large volumes of data to identify patterns, correlations, and outliers. Reduce the turnaround time of qualitative and quantitative analysis to get insights faster.

Unlock excellence with AlphaMetricx’s key feature that enable you to quantify your PR efforts and their impact.

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Sentiment Analysis

Gain valuable insights into the emotions associated with your brand’s media presence across channels.

Competitor Tracking icon

Competitor Tracking

Stay a step ahead of your competition by keeping a watchful eye on their activities and its impact.

Custom Dashboards icon

Custom Dashboards

Build your own dashboards to tell your brand’s story and accelerate executive decision-making.

Automate Newsletters icon

Automate Newsletters

Set up newsletters around key topics and automate their delivery to relevant stakeholder teams.

Corporate Reputation icon

Corporate Reputation

Monitor media stories that can impact your corporate reputation and mitigate risks in timely manner.

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Request a Live Demo

See AlphaMetricx in action and get a no cost custom trial for your team today.