Primary Research Services

Qualitative and Quantitative analysis of first-hand user feedback and opinions


Primary research has always been at the forefront of generating insights that solve complex problems for business leaders. Our primary research can be a precursor to further deep dive or be a validator of pre-existing research. We combine the structured data from primary research with social media analysis, digital user studies, mobile app insights, and secondary research for actionable insights.

Integrated Primary Data Approach

Global Panel

Dedicated Communities

Focus Groups

Social Listening

Qualitative Data


Primary Research Offerings

Consumer Research

Know your target audience through a multilingual and multicultural lens. Understand their macro and micro segments, preferences, and decision triggers.

  • Consumer Insights
  • CEO and Decision-Maker Studies
  • Industry Trends Tracking & Analysis

Marketing Strategy

Make data-backed plans to achieve your organizational goals. Identify emotional motivators and best practices for communications.

  • Competitor Analysis
  • Marketing Message & Campaign Analysis
  • Market Segmentation

Product Studies

Validate your product ideas and gauge potential market performance. Let innovation be driven by research and data.

  • Product Testing
  • Competitor Mapping
  • Pricing Study

Brand Strategy & Management

Make data driven strategies to increase market favourability for your brand. Identify the best opportunities to create brand impact and act on them.

  • Brand Awareness & Penetration
  • Brand Building & Persona
  • Customer Satisfaction Research

Campaign Studies

Increase the effectiveness of your campaigns and achieve better ROIs. Use custom metrics to measure performance of campaigns against objectives set.

  • Pre Campaign Research
  • Post Campaign Evaluation
  • Campaign Effectiveness

Strategy Transformation

Adopt data driven decision-making to achieve operational excellence and optimization. Set futuristic roadmap using actionable insights.

  • Process Optimization
  • Go to Market & Launch Strategy
  • Product Development & Usability Testing


primary research step 1
Step 1

Define Problem

  • Process Optimization
  • Go to Market & Launch Strategy
  • Product Development & Usability Testing
primary research step 2
Step 2

Design Research

  • Identify information areas and sources
  • Identify existing information gaps
  • Identify target audience and sampling methods
primary research step 3 1
Step 3

Data Collection

  • Finalize data collection method
  • Create questionnaire
  • Data collection
primary research step 4 1
Step 4

Analyse Data

  • Define analysis
  • Cross tabbing
  • Set up analysis frameworks
primary research step 5 1
Step 5

Data Visualization

  • Formulate conclusions
  • Merge with other data sources for holistic insights
  • Present findings

Why Infovision Social for Primary Research

Why Infovision Social for Primary Research image left cropped

Consultative Approach

We follow a consultant partner model that makes us an extension of your existing team. We understand your business ecosystem, complex business problems, and shoulder your efforts to combine insights and innovation to excel in your category.

Analytics Expertise

We excel in harmonizing structured and unstructured data, creating customized analytics frameworks, and applying advanced methodologies. We can design custom metrics for hybrid research using data from multiple channels.

Subject Matter Specialization

We are led by industry veterans who have decades of expertise in different industry domains. Our subject matter experts ensure our research methodologies are relevant to your industry’s ecosystem and insights are business relevant.

Multilingual & Multicultural Research

We can analyse data in 40+ languages from 65+ countries across US, Europe, South America, Middle East, and APAC. Our linguistic experts ensure the data is analysed within the backdrop of cultural context and regional nuances.

Data Security & Confidentiality

Physical Security

  • Single biometric entry and exit point for all.
  • Role based access protocols in place
  • The premises are under video surveillance 24×7

Internet Security

  • Network and system activities are monitored for intrusions or breaches
  • Endpoint security in place
  • Real-time blockage of malicious activity

Data Security

  • Disaster recovery plan implemented and tested periodically
  • Data backed up regularly and stored at off site facility
  • Respondent information available only on secured servers
  • No paper evidence of any respondent information maintained

Non-Disclosure Agreement

  • NDAs signed by all representing InfoVision Social
  • NDAs protect confidential information and trade secrets
data security

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